What Did You Call Us?

A boy that looked like he was four or five appeared in front of her.

Chu Liuyue was dazed. Did… this kid call me just now? But what did he address me as? Yue'er girlie?

Chu Liuyue raised her brows slightly and vaguely felt that something was amiss.

During her daze, that boy had already flown down and silently landed near her body.

Chu Liuyue was shocked. This boy's aura is extremely hidden, and he seems to be very strong!

She carefully and meticulously scrutinized the other party.

He was small and wore blue clothes. His eyes were black, and he looked no more than five years old. He also had a small, adorable, and chubby face, which made one want to reach out and pinch it. However, that gaze didn't look like it belonged to a child—cold and domineering! As long as she glanced at him once, it seemed like she could feel his extraordinary aura!