I'm Back

Something seemed to be shouting in her heart! That answer was within reach—as if there was only a thin layer of mesh in between.

She would know as long as she poked through it.

At this point, Chu Liuyue's head started hurting badly! She gasped in pain and held her head.

It was as if someone was holding an axe and kept swinging it at her, wanting to split her forehead apart. The excruciating pain made Chu Liuyue clench her teeth, and her entire body trembled.

After some time, the pain gradually subsided.

Chu Liuyue's forehead was filled with tiny beads of sweat. Her lips had turned pale, and her entire person was covered in sweat as if she had just been pulled out of the water.

She leaned against the stone wall at the side and rested for some time before she gradually recovered. She was clearly very close to that answer, but there seemed to be an invisible hand stopping her and not letting her proceed further.