Hold Umbrella for You

After being called, Mu Qinghe was dazed as he looked at the woman not far away.

She sat there relaxingly and lazily, and her dressing was very simple, but she exuded an elegance throughout her body. She still had a young woman's youthful smile on her face, and her eyes dazzled like stars, looking just as she did more than a year ago.

And she directly called out his name in such a relaxed and free tone as if all the vengeance that she had these few years… was completely non-existent.

Mu Qinghe clenched his fists gradually and looked down. "We just have ordinary interactions. Y-Your Majesty, you don't have to worry."

After this one-line answer, Mu Qinghe shut his mouth as if he didn't want to continue explaining.

Jian Fengchi glanced at him hesitantly and knitted his brows slightly, hesitation flashing across his eyes. At this point, does he still not want to talk about anything…