I'm the Emperor!

Chu Liuyue coughed. "Mentor Su Jin, c-control yourself…"

Elder Su Jin used to be one of her Xuan Master mentors. She was already crazy about Xuan formations back then, but she was even more so now.

"Hey, haven't you always had a photographic memory? Just take it as me begging you, okay?" Elder Su Jin clasped her hands together and smiled at Chu Liuyue in a flattering manner, without showing her previous distant and cold aura.


"Su Jin, if you really want to look at it, I can help you too. We'll each remember a portion, okay?"

Xiao Ran—who had been very quiet at the side—couldn't help but speak up. His eyes were filled with desire as he looked at Elder Su Jin with a very gentle gaze.

Elder Su Hui waved her hands to reject him without even turning around. "No way! How will you remember it more clearly than Yue'er?"