Rong Xiu, How Long Have I Made You Wait?

Shangguan Yue sat opposite that man and chuckled softly with a loving and gentle tone. "Okay."

Chu Liuyue widened her eyes suddenly! This is a voice I'm familiar with!

She clutched her hands tightly and stared at the scene before her closely.

That woman in the octagonal pavilion held her face with one hand as she smiled and picked up a chess piece from the box.


She placed it on the chessboard. Then, she looked up, and her long lashes tingled as her black, gem-like eyes glistened with a hint of playfulness. "Rong Xiu, you lost."

Rong Xiu… Rong Xiu! It's really him!

That bold and ridiculous guess was verified at this moment! It was as though Chu Liuyue was struck by lightning as her mind went blank, and her heart skipped a beat. All the blood in her body seemed to be frozen!

That sentence kept echoing throughout her ears. "Rong Xiu, you lost."