Familiar Chessboard

Fairy Water Mound's Jiang Zhiyuan was a famous talent in the God Residence Realm.

Jiang Zhiyuan stood up and slowly walked to the gigantic chessboard before standing still in front of it.

She was born a natural beauty. Now that she had meticulously dolled herself up, she was even more charming. Furthermore, she had only put on light makeup, and her dressing was very elegant. Compared to the earlier group of women that was extravagantly made up, she seemed purer and fresher.

Under the reflection of the chessboard's faint glow, she stood upright and elegantly. She indeed won over many women that came before her.

She glanced at the chessboard, raised her bare hands, and placed a blue chess piece down.

Similar to before, the chessboard rapidly reacted, and a golden chess piece appeared in another position.

Jiang Zhiyuan continued placing her pieces without any hesitation!

Time trickled past.