There's No Use Escaping

Elder Hua Feng anxiously said, "U-uh… I'll find a place to hide first. I'll leave this place to you!"

Then, he turned around and wanted to run away.

"Stop right there!" Elder Wen Xi pulled him back and clenched his teeth. "If you're going to leave just like that, what should I do?!"

"Who told you to be on duty today?!" Elder Hua Feng swiftly retorted as he glanced at the sky. "Look, there's still another hour before the shift changes! Of course, I have to leave everything to you! I won't talk anymore; I'll leave first!"

Then, Elder Hua Feng hurriedly struggled free from Elder Wen Xi's grasp as he found a direction and was about to escape.

Elder Wen Xi was so angry that his teeth were itchy. He moved his legs and was about to directly chase him as he yelled, "You old fogey! Why are you so scared of her?!"

"F*ck! If you're not scared, why are you chasing me?!" retorted Elder Hua Feng.

Elder Wen Xi was stumped, and he felt stifled.