Senior Brother Rong Xiu

In Ling Xiao Academy, many elders gradually gathered together and rushed to Fangzhou.

The entire academy's atmosphere silently became nervous.

When Chu Liuyue rushed to the academy entrance, she saw that many students had arrived around Qing Ming Square. Clearly, they already knew that something had happened outside.

Chu Liuyue slowed down her steps and mixed into the crowd, not looking obvious.

Quite a few students talked in hushed whispers. "Did you hear? Something wrong has happened outside!"

"It seems like someone came to cause trouble at Fangzhou, right? I heard that Elder Shu Feng and the rest are still fighting with them outside, and some of the elders from our academy have rushed out…"

"Who exactly are they? How do they have the courage to barge into our academy?"