Weapon Soul

Detecting the cold murderous intent that came from behind, Jin Lei instinctively turned around. He then took one glance at Rong Xiu and couldn't help shuddering.

A deep sense of fear suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart! Why… Why does Rong Xiu suddenly have such a strong murderous intent toward me?! We've been fighting for so long, but Rong Xiu has been calm and nonchalant throughout, as if everything had nothing to do with him. That or he didn't even take those matters to heart. Even if Rong Xiu tried his best to take action and restrain us, he didn't show much emotion. But at this moment, he suddenly became like this…

Jin Lei really couldn't understand.

The lack of time and the danger of death caused him to be unable to think about this matter carefully. The only thing he could do was rush toward Chu Liuyue at an even faster speed!

Either I get the supreme Yuan instrument, or I hold that Chu Yue hostage!