Fiend Park

Elder Wan Zheng coughed, and his aura weakened. "Ahem, I actually don't want to defend him either… That Yuan instrument needed its weapon soul refined, right? Strictly speaking, he didn't intend to go against the rules. He was just… for—"

Elder Wan Zheng couldn't finish his last words.

Elder Bo Yan sneered. "But this isn't his first time. If he doesn't correct himself, in the future—"

Although Wan Zheng felt that he was logical in his heart, the person in front was still his disciple after all. If Chu Yue really was punished harshly, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

Not to mention that this child did it to refine the weapon soul for that Yuan instrument. Now, he truly possesses a supreme Yuan instrument!

He felt happy in his heart, but he couldn't show it to Elder Bo Yan.

"Of course! Of course, he must be punished!" Elder Wan Zheng supported it. "But… don't harm the child's foundation…"