Regret? Too Late!

The night passed quickly.

When the morning sunlight shone into the cave, Chu Liuyue opened her eyes.

After a night of recovery, her body had basically recovered to its best state.

She stood up and stretched. She could clearly feel that her body was much stronger than before as the dense force circulated through her bones and limbs even more smoothly!

This is… the feeling of being stronger! Chu Liuyue smiled and was in a very good mood. I wonder how it'll feel when I become a stage-nine warrior again…

A soft sound came from the side.

Chu Liuyue turned around and saw that Tao Tao was already awake.

The latter was looking at her with wide eyes as it lay on the floor. It was wrapped tightly, looking like a large circular pudding.

Chu Liuyue winked at it.

Tao Tao instantly acted as if it was caught red-handed and hurriedly shut its eyes in guilt.

Chu Liuyue almost burst out laughing.