Someone is Protecting Her

Yue Ling's expression finally changed. "When did you find out?"

Cen Yi said nonchalantly, "That's not important. The important thing is that I already know. Now, I'm asking you for the last time: are you lending your people or not?"

The two of them stared at each other, and the air froze inch by inch.

They silently faced each other. Finally, Yue Ling was the first to break the silence. "This matter is important. Of course, I'm lending you my people. Just tell me how many you need."

Cen Yi's eyes finally curved up into a satisfied smile. "Thank you."

The originally tense atmosphere between the duo silently disappeared!

After settling some details, the two of them officially started their cooperation. The entire process took less than 15 minutes.

Cen Yi stood up. "Thank you for your help. I still have something on, so I'll make a move first."

"Hold on," Yue Ling called him and still seemed very curious. "What… else do you know?"