My Medicinal Garden

The noise caused the speaking duo to be alert immediately! "Who's there?"

Chu Liuyue's heart was as if clutched by something. If they discover me, I can never explain myself clearly!

Not hearing a response, the two students exchanged a glance, their expressions stern.

One of them yelled loudly, "Who is there? You're behaving so sneakily. Come out quickly! If not, don't blame us for being rude!"

Beads of sweat trickled down Chu Liuyue's forehead. She looked at the peach blossom on her wrist. If they come any closer, I can only—


Suddenly, a sound broke the air.

The person that had first spoken brandished his broadsword! "Come out!"

The other person had already rushed forward.

Chu Liuyue clenched her teeth, circulated her force, and prepared to leave! But at this moment, she suddenly felt that something was wrong behind her.