Self-Cut Arm!

The cold winds howled harshly and picked up the scarce snow.

The sky and earth were white.

Far away, something suddenly dug out from the flat snowy ground—it was a fiend around the size of an adult's fist. It looked like a fox, but its ears and nose didn't look like those of a fox, especially with its protruding mouth. It revealed two especially sharp teeth, causing it to look extra ferocious.

As it was totally white and only its face was grayish brown, it was very easy for it to camouflage in this snowy land.

"That's a ninth-grade gray-faced fox. Although it's very small, it's agile and cunning. It regularly swallows other souls' skeletons to survive, so many people hate it. I didn't expect this to be the first fiend we would meet after coming to the Flood-Desert Northern Region," explained Elder Bo Yan.