Difficult Situation

Chu Liuyue's words caused the few others to be collectively stunned as they instinctively surveyed their surroundings.

The white snow covered the sky and the ground. It was dead quiet.

It looks like… something is wrong.

"Chu Yue is right. How precious is the Heavenly Square Cauldron? If it appeared here, it would definitely cause a huge commotion. But now… it seems like nothing has happened."

"Could it have appeared in other places and not reached here yet, so this place looks like this?"

The few elders discussed softly.

Elder Hua Feng knitted his brows. "It's not really possible. Bo Yan sent a message saying that the Heavenly Square Cauldron had appeared, so they definitely would've seen it. Even if it's not by their side, it shouldn't be too far away. And now, they're not far away from us. If they had seen it, we should be able to see it too."