Give In

Once he said this, the crowd burst into an uproar. They didn't send him there earlier or later, yet he sent him there right at this time. Isn't this clearly protecting him?

"Elder Bo Yan, if I haven't recalled wrongly, Fengmin Mountain seems to be a place where Ling Xiao Academy specifically punishes students. Why is Chu Yue locked up there for no reason?" A rather sharp voice was heard.

The scene fell silent for a moment. All pairs of eyes looked at Elder Bo Yan with much intuition and doubt.

Elder Bo Yan stroked his beard. "He has indeed broken quite a few of the academy rules. Originally, he should've been immediately locked inside after he came back, but he was unconscious back then. Hence, we let it slide. We only sent him over when he woke up and was feeling better."

The other party was relentless. "Oh? Elder Bo Yan, is it convenient for you to reveal what rules Chu Yue flouted so that we can know a thing or two?"