Cosmic Ring 1454: Cosmic Ring

Everyone looked over with intense scrutiny and doubts in their eyes.

In comparison to Liang Shaokang's death, they cared about this more. Black Demon Hole had a bad reputation in the God Residence Realm. Even though they became more discreet these few years, it didn't change most people's impression of them. Hence, once they heard that Chu Liuyue was related to Black Demon Hole, the string in their brains instantly became tense.

Elder Bo Yan and the others looked over as well. They didn't know what exactly was going on.

If Chu Liuyue couldn't clarify this, she would be surrounded and attacked!

Chu Liuyue squinted her eyes slightly. My body has Black Demon Hole's aura? I only fought with the other party the previous few times, and I didn't do anything else. Could that… be the reason why the so-called aura was left behind? It shouldn't be! I've never heard of another party's aura being left behind when fighting!