Down the Eighteen Levels of Hell!

Upon seeing this scene, Baili Chun's heart jumped to his throat. "Stop—"

Before he could say anything, Chu Liuyue's fingertips had already touched the other party's cheeks.

But with this touch, Chu Liuyue immediately understood something, and her lips curled up into a smile. It's really…

The person on the ground was motionless.

Chu Liuyue's hand touched the other party's chin. Then, she gently moved her fingertips.

As if startled by her actions, that person knitted her brows and struggled to open her eyes forcefully.

Jiang Zhiyuan was originally unconscious and had no feeling. At some moment, she suddenly felt that her face was itchy, and it made her very uncomfortable.

Her last bit of rationality made her realize the severity of the situation. Who is touching my face?!