Stand Up for Yue'er!

The surroundings instantly became so quiet that one could hear a pin drop!

Everyone was stunned by this sudden scene. H-he took action?! He directly took action. This is too direct, right?!

The questioning man was also born in a top-tier aristocratic family. Even though it was rather deserted and couldn't be compared to the Flying Star Sect, he still had the reputation of a top-tier aristocratic family, and everyone gave him face.

Who knew that this man—who suddenly appeared—would fight without speaking?!

"You!" The man being hit was clearly dazed.

He coughed a few times and spat out a few broken teeth that were mixed into the fresh red blood. He looked very miserable and disheveled.

"Master!" When the few people following that man saw this scene, they hurriedly rushed over and anxiously helped him up. "Master, are you okay?!"

Ye Lingran wanted to kick these few insensible ones to death! Do I look okay?!