You're Too Polite

The crowd was taken aback. They originally thought that the matter had ended, so they didn't expect this to happen!

Not continuing with their interrogation is already considered taking a step back and making a compromise. Why is this Shangguan Jing so relentless?

It was rather inappropriate for them to work together to target Shangguan Yue, but everyone did so to explain matters. Nobody really planned on taking it out on the child. Besides, these people had quite high statuses. How could they line up one by one to apologize to a girl?

Even though this 'girl' was the Sky-Cloud Empire's princess consort now and also Shangguan Jing's most doted descendant, they could just do it symbolically. How could they actually do it!?

Shangguan Jing had long expected that they wouldn't agree to it. "Hey, didn't you say just now that when this matter was investigated, you'd apologize to my Yue'er? Are you… going back on your words now?!"