
Chu Liuyue followed her ancestor into the house.

The door was closed.

Rong Xiu raised his sharp brows slightly, and faint smiling intent flashed across his thin lips. Previously, I only vaguely guessed this person's identity. But compared to my expectations, it seems like he is even more… protective of Yue'er. However, this is fine. With Shangguan Jing around, she should be more assured.

"Rong Xiu." Outside the barrier, Elder Wen Xi suddenly appeared and waved toward him. "Bo Yan is looking for you to go over."

Rong Xiu turned around to glance at the tightly shut door before nodding slightly. Then, he raised his feet and followed Elder Wen Xi to leave.

Dong Huang Clock Tower, hall.

When Rong Xiu walked in, he saw the few elders present today. Mu Hongyu was also around.