First Move!

After Chu Liuyue said this, the surroundings instantly fell silent.

Even Miao Yao's eyes were dazed for a moment. "You rejected the first of the two conditions, but you accepted the second? Are you sure?"

Chu Liuyue nodded. "This is my bottomline; I will not compromise. If you feel that it's inappropriate, then… I don't have a choice either."

Miao Yao stared at Chu Liuyue with a strange expression.

Actually, he randomly suggested the two conditions. That was because he thought that Chu Liuyue definitely wouldn't accept the second one because how was that different from having a death wish?

However, he didn't expect her to reject the first one.

A ripple suddenly came from the dantian.

Zi Chen's voice was much lower and harsher than usual as if it were suppressing something. "If he wants this pair of wing bones, I'll return it to him! Why must you pay with your life!?"