Her Tribulation!

At this point, Chu Liuyue felt the cold attacking her bones. This coldness was too strong, causing her to ignore her bodily pain at one moment.

The ice-cold fountain water covered her from all directions, swallowing her whole. She could clearly feel that every inch of her skin was covered by that fountain water.

Vaguely, there seemed to be many sharp and tiny needles stabbing at her body crazily. The piercing pain caused her to widen her eyes.

What entered her eyes was a patch of clear blue.

Am I… in the fountain? Thinking of this, Chu Liuyue instinctively raised her hand. A shaky water ripple flowed across her body.

She looked up. The fountain water was clear, so she could very clearly see the scene in the skies outside even though she was inside.

The dark clouds gathered together, and the lightning bolts flashed.

But… I'm clearly in the fountain water, so why do I not feel any sense of discomfort?