
When everyone in Tongshen Palace heard the sound, they were all taken aback and turned to look.

A towering figure advanced in the backlight.

He was dressed in a black brocade robe, his demonically handsome face half-lit and half-dark. As he walked, the wind rolled up the corners of his clothes, bringing a touch of unattainable cold and noble aura.

A pair of deep phoenix eyes like the cold pool of an ancient well looked calm and collected on the surface, but in fact, a dark tide was surging inside, making him seem unpredictable.

When he stepped into the hall, a faint bloody aura spread silently.

Everyone felt a jolt in their hearts! This man would only have such an aura after he has just killed someone, or before he is about to kill!

36 Respected Elder Ming heaved a sigh of relief and took the lead in getting up to greet him. "Welcome back, Your Grace!"

Of all the people present, he had the highest status.