Doll in Disguise

He was agitated, and his blood rushed up to his head. The moment he said this, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood!

"Big Brother!" Nan Yiyi retracted her gaze. Seeing her brother's increasingly pale face and the fresh red blood by the corner of his lips, her heart was a mess. "It's all my fault—all my fault!"

As Nan Yiyi spoke, her tears welled up again. She bit her lips tightly, and a metallic taste filled her mouth. If I wasn't so stubborn, Big Brother wouldn't—

"Eldest Young Master, your body is still very weak now. You don't have to rush the revenge. When you've healed, it's not too late for us to pursue them and kill them." Elder Wu Peng still didn't have any expression, but his voice was colder with thick murderous intent.

Nan Yuxing slowly wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth. Staring at the two figures for a long time, he said with vengeance, "Okay! I'll let them live a little longer!"