Tuan Zi Is Really Amazing!

Elder Yi Yu felt a soft little thing pounce over. He stiffened, not realizing for a moment what had happened.

The next moment, a string of fireworks suddenly bloomed in Elder Yi Yu's heart! Ahhh, it was actually Tuan Zi who took the initiative to hug me!

Elder Yi Yu was overjoyed and hurriedly bent down to pick Tuan Zi up.

Right at this moment, a death stare suddenly landed on him.

Elder Yi Yu's heart instantly skipped a beat! How could I have forgotten that the clan leader was standing beside me?

Although Yi Yu didn't turn around, he could still clearly feel that those eyes seemed to contain countless sharp knives that flew past the back of his head!

Elder Yi Yu shuddered. Then, he gritted his teeth and resolutely chose to ignore it!