Father Emperor and Father

Chu Liuyue's eyes stung as she quickly walked over. "Father Emperor!"

Seeing her move, Shangguan You hurried over.

When the father and daughter met, they actually looked at each other in silence.

Shangguan You looked her up and down, something seemingly stirring in his eyes. After a while, he said, "Yue'er, you've lost weight."

A thousand words gathered in his chest, but his throat was extremely dry. In the end, he only said such a short sentence.

His voice also sounded a little shaky.

Chu Liuyue blinked, retracted the tears in her eyes, and smiled brightly. "Long time no see. How have you been, Father Emperor?"

Shangguan You hurriedly replied, "Good! Good! Everything is fine on my side, and so is the Tianling Dynasty! It's… it's just that I miss you…"