
A ray of white light flashed across, causing Chu Liuyue to squint her eyes slightly.

Before she could see the scene before her clearly, an intense herbal fragrance had entered her nose. It was rejuvenating and comfortable.

Chu Liuyue's heart tingled slightly as she looked forward.

Even if she had already imagined how the small space looked, she still couldn't help but gasp when she really saw it.

This place…. was huge!

The mountains were high, and there were waterfalls with clean streams. The intense Heaven and Earth Force formed a white mist and drifted everywhere.

Countless treasures grew everywhere, and one couldn't see the end of it.

It looked like a paradise.

Even if it were Ling Xiao Academy's Medicinal Valley, it also paled in comparison to this place. Even just by standing there, they could deeply feel the vitality almost oozing out!