
"Welcome, Lord Mo Lin!" The guard standing at the door bowed respectfully.

Mo Lin didn't stay long. He only nodded coldly and strode inside.

The three of them followed behind.

Perhaps because of Mo Lin, although the guards were a little surprised, they quickly restrained their expressions and looked down.

San San swallowed nervously.

Although he had always interacted with the Black Sword Sect in the past year or two, he rarely entered through the main entrance. He didn't know what kind of storm he would face this time, nor did he know when he would come out…

Thinking that his master was still behind him, his racing heart finally calmed down a lot. Taking a deep breath, he followed.

Chu Liuyue and Rong Xiu looked at each other and quietly walked forward.

The moment she crossed the threshold, Chu Liuyue immediately sensed a subtle energy fluctuation brush past her.