Don't Delay My Yue'er

After completely letting go of the last bottom line, Mo Yun no longer had any scruples. He crazily devoured the surrounding energy and forcefully increased his strength! The Black Sword Sect is no longer reliable. I can only rely on myself! Even though the sect master has repeatedly instructed me to be careful and not expose my identity unless it is absolutely necessary, I have no other choice now! If this continues, only death awaits me!

Today, even if I die, I will definitely drag these people down with me!

But before he could reach Chu Liuyue, he was stopped.

A tall figure tore through the air and stopped him in the blink of an eye—it was Rong Xiu!

Seeing that noble and demonic face, Mo Yun's heart was filled with hatred. At this point, this man's expression is still so calm! It's as if nothing in this world will make him nervous and terrified!