
Chu Liuyue let out a clear cry! Great completion of the Holy Body!

The gorgeous soft armor overturned her body, dazzling!

Light poured down from the sky and shone on her, reflecting fragments of light.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and a vast and majestic aura erupted from her body!

Everyone was shocked!

Even though she was only a true god now, the pressure of her Holy Body was already comparable to that of a legendary warrior!

"Phew—" Feeling the powerful energy surging in her body, she let out a long breath. So this is what it feels like to have a Holy Body…

She looked down.

At this moment, Peach Blossom Dock was a mess. It was fine in the city, but the continuous mountain range outside the city was almost completely destroyed.

The ravines were crisscrossed with burn marks, and the strong smell of blood filled the air.