Wait and See

Yi Wentao turned around and glanced at him. "Oh?"

"The current Peach Blossom Dock might not be a cause for concern, but they also have many backers. When the time comes, the situation will only be more difficult to deal with." Jun Jiuqing's explanation was brief.

Yi Wenzhuo couldn't help but nod and agree. "That's right! Big Brother, not to mention the Sky-Cloud Empire, just Shangguan Yue alone is difficult to deal with. The legendary fiend she contracted is the red-gold heavenly phoenix clan's young mistress…"

Just Chu Liuyue alone wasn't that scary, but the key was that she indeed had an extremely powerful backer! Once that time came…

Yi Wentao pondered for a moment.

He had considered this question. From the moment he agreed to join forces with Nan Yifan, he had already imagined countless possibilities and the situation he would face under various circumstances.