Foreign Aid?

A loud and clear phoenix cry sounded from afar! Immediately after, a small figure walked out of the flames!

It was a little girl who looked to be no more than three or four years old. She was wearing a red-gold lotus leaf dress and had two round buns on her head. She was barefoot and looked cute.

In particular, those big black grape-like eyes flickered and were very lively.

When she walked, the golden bells on her head would ring crisply.

Many people looked over. When they saw the little girl's appearance, they were first stunned, then suddenly came back to their senses. "Red-gold heavenly phoenix?!"

"This is her contractual legendary fiend?"

"No! This red-gold heavenly phoenix is so young. Logically speaking, it can't transform into a human form!"

"Didn't you say… that this is the red-gold heavenly phoenix clan's young mistress? It's probably a little different, right?"