Style of Handling Affairs

Rong Xiu took out a black ruler.

The black ruler glowed, and a faint figure appeared before Rong Xiu.

Compared to before, his figure was much more transparent and his aura weaker. It was as if a blow of the wind could disperse it.

He looked forward with a grave expression and furrowed brows.

"Senior Diwu." Rong Xiu cupped his fists and bowed. "This journey is dangerous. Let me send you there."

Diwu Zhangze shook his head. "No need. You've already sent me here; there's no need to take more risks. I can find my own way with this distance. Besides, I'm just a portion of aura. Even if I can't go back, there's not much loss. After being sealed out of the Blood Heaven Realm thousands of years ago, I didn't think of coming out again."

The corner of Rong Xiu's lips curled up, and he smiled faintly. "You're severely injured. If you can recover a portion of aura, it would be good."