The Source of the Celestial Shield!

"Ah—" A hurried and miserable scream came from behind.

Chu Liuyue stopped in her tracks and looked over.

A ripple appeared on the transparent barrier at some point in time, slowly and calmly surging over.

A young woman was devoured in the blink of an eye. She didn't even have time to shout for help.

This sudden change made everyone's hearts skip a beat.

"How, how could this be? Those people in front clearly entered successfully…" someone asked in panic.

After Chu Liuyue and the rest entered the barrier, another seven or eight people followed, but nothing happened.

But this woman…

"She walked to the side!" A guessing voice came from the crowd. "She seemed to be a little anxious just now. She wanted to go to the front and went that way!"

After Chu Liuyue successfully entered, the barrier was no longer hidden. Therefore, everyone followed the direction she went in.