
When did the door close? Why didn't we notice it at all?

However, Yao Lin didn't have time to think about this. He was only stunned for a moment before continuing in the direction of the stone door.

Yao Bin and the others from Purple Light Prefecture followed.

Yao Bin was very fast and arrived in front of the stone door first. Without hesitation, he placed his hand on the stone door and pushed hard!

The stone door didn't move at all.

Yao Bin's heart sank. I'm a true god, but I am only one step away from becoming a legendary warrior. I am definitely not weak, but now, I can't even open a door?

He took a deep breath and tried again. This time, he used all his strength.

However, the stone door still didn't open.

At this moment, there were more and more bloody wounds on Yao Lin's body. Dark-red blood began to drip continuously.

"We're coming too!"

"And us!"