You Think Too Highly of Yourself

These words were like a bucket of cold water that poured over everyone's hearts, immediately calming many people down. Yeah! According to Shi Rui'er, the extra force in her body was drawn into the Heaven-Wrecking Holy Seed. However, who can guarantee what Chu Liuyue will do in the future?

What if she wants more?

What if she uses this Heaven-Wrecking Holy Seed to forcefully deprive everyone of their force? At that time, it would be difficult to resolve this problem!

Chu Liuyue looked up and followed the voice.

The person who spoke was a woman in her early twenties. She was wearing a sky-blue dress, and she was beautiful and tall. Unfortunately, her expression was fierce, and her gaze toward Chu Liuyue was filled with hatred, making her look a little ferocious.

Chu Liuyue squinted her eyes slightly. I don't know this woman. I have never even seen her before.