They're All Here

Tuan Zi was very happy to be praised. "Hehe, don't worry! With me around, I guarantee that you'll recover especially quickly!"

Zi Chen glanced at her and saw that her eyes were bright and her expression was firm. His handsome and cold eyebrows relaxed a little. "En."

Tuan Zi put the remaining medicine away again. "A'Yue said that your injury will take ten days… Eh?"

She turned around and looked out. A trace of doubt flashed across her big black grape-like eyes. "Why are they all here again?"

Zi Chen also sensed something and looked out of the window.

Both of them were legendary fiends and were naturally the most sensitive to the aura of legendary fiends.

Many legendary fiends suddenly surged into Yue Manor.

Apart from the first time they were brought back, nothing like this had happened since. Now this was—

"Ah! I understand!" Tuan Zi seemed to have suddenly thought of something and clapped. "It must be him!"