Big Baby Lied to Me

Xiao Ba's entire body stiffened, and her long lashes moved as she quickly glanced at Cen Yi.

Cen Yi put down the last rock in his hand, and his expression was calm.

Xiao Ba instantly exhaled defeatedly and lay on the stone table softly. "Big Brother, can't you give me some privacy!?"

I haven't said anything! Big Brother knows everything!

"I was thinking of giving Master a surprise!" whined Xiao Ba upsettingly.

Cen Yi glanced at her and retorted, "This also counts as a 'surprise?'"

The standard of this surprise is too low.

Xiao Ba was speechless. T-this person… is indeed a maniac!

As if hearing the words in her heart, Cen Yi nonchalantly asked, "What did you say?"

Xiao Ba immediately straightened her body and stuck up two thumbs. "I said Big Brother is so smart! He knows everything like the back of his hand! Awesome—I really admire you!"