Whose Domain!

Chu Liuyue stopped and looked ahead. When she saw the scene in front of her, she instantly held her breath.

In front of her, behind countless silver lightning bolts, golden light flashed and shone.

Countless golden heavenly lightning bolts intertwined and gathered into a ball.

The huge golden ball of light existed silently in the depths of the lightning pool.

Heavy! Powerful! Mysterious!

"This is…" Chu Liuyue widened her eyes slightly and almost thought that she was hallucinating.

It wasn't that she hadn't seen golden lightning before. Back when she helped Lan Xiao reconstruct his Holy Body, she even helped to activate a few. However, the number of lightning bolts in front of her… was uncountable!

She looked especially small standing here.

"A'Yue! Clan Leader Grandpa seems to be inside!" Tuan Zi's voice woke her up.

She frowned, and her heart skipped a beat. "You mean inside the golden lightning?"

"Yes, yes!"