Long Time No See

Chu Liuyue was very calm.

The other party's expression froze for a moment.

Chu Liuyue looked at him sincerely. She really didn't know this person.

The man took a deep breath and tidied his clothes before saying word by word, "I'm Nan Jinshu from the Nan family."

Chu Liuyue blinked. "Oh, someone from the Nan family?"

She had some impression of the name Nan Jinshu.

In the past, he was an elder of the Nan family and wasn't famous. After Nan Yifan and the others died, he quickly emerged and became the current head of the family.

Originally, it wasn't his turn to sit in this seat. But after that battle, the Nan family had suffered heavy casualties, and there were really not many legendary warriors left.

This gave Nan Jinshu a chance.

During this period of time, there was no news from the Nan family. They were probably recuperating.