See Emperor

Jiu Long and Xi Yan never expected that Chu Liuyue would do that.

She directly admitted that the two music scores were with her and even used it to threaten them, causing them not to dare kill her!

She did it so swiftly and directly, not even giving time for them to think. The most annoying part was that after some detailed thinking, they realized that Chu Liuyue's arrogant behavior made sense.

After knowing of the incident… Although they hated her to the core, they really could not do anything to her.

"Since you're going to find the music score and so am I, it's just nice. Why don't we just work together?" asked Chu Liuyue with a smile on her face.

Jiu Long was enraged. "What is 'just nice!?' Shangguan Yue, do you think that everyone is a fool?"