Three Thousand Divine Tombs!

Rong Xiu turned around. "Who is it?"

Chu Liuyue said, "The Ninth Deity and the Tenth Deity! They just came over. Didn't you see them?"

Rong Xiu shook his head. "I've been here all along and haven't seen anyone come."

Chu Liuyue tightly knitted her brows. How could he not have seen it? Although Qi Han and I were a distance away from the two deities, I'm sure that they were here.

She looked left and right.

The surroundings were desolate, and there were no traces of anyone having been here.

Suddenly, her eyes focused on the collapsing void not far behind Rong Xiu. "This is—"

Rong Xiu followed her gaze and explained, "That loud sound just now came from here. A similar situation happened the last time we came, but it was a little different."

Chu Liuyue nodded lightly. She sensed this as well.

Last time, she and Rong Xiu fell into a void that suddenly collapsed and brought back those stones.