Humiliation in Public

Someone asked, "That shouldn't be, right? Hasn't the Sixth Deity's Holy Body already been destroyed?"

Someone in the crowd immediately retorted. "Then, who is this?"

"I don't know him… They look quite young?"

"I've never seen him before."

The person in the mirror had his head lowered, so no one could see his face clearly. However, Chu Liuyue—who was standing behind the crowd—was suddenly stunned. That figure… That aura… I'm clearly very familiar with it!

A bold guess appeared in her heart, instantly making her clench her fists, and her heart started beating faster.

Right on the heels of that, that person finally moved.

He raised his hand and twisted his neck. His voice was lazy. "It's so noisy…"

His voice was slightly hoarse, and there was a hint of insufficient energy, but his casual tone still made Chu Liuyue's heart skip a beat! Lan Xiao! It's really him!

She walked forward almost uncontrollably!