First Heavenly Scroll

Does she plan to stop after a while, or…


Chu Liuyue retracted her gaze and quickly set up another Xuan formation. Then, another ray of light bloomed above her head.

With that, she lifted her leg and continued forward!

Lady Shiyi looked toward the end of the Star Path and squinted her eyes. Where is Master planning to reach?

Suddenly, Lady Shi'er pulled her sleeves.

Lady Shiyi turned around.

"Sister…" There were still tears in Lady Shi'er's eyes, and her nose and eyes were red. She leaned forward and softly asked, "Sister, is that the Fantasy Divine Hall?"

Lady Shiyi nodded. "Definitely."

Lady Shi'er pressed her lips against each other.

A dark glint flashed across Lady Shiyi's eyes. "You want to go in and see?"

Lady Shi'er nodded lightly. Then, she blushed as if she were embarrassed. "I think I'm thinking too much…"