

"That music score belongs to the Fantasy Divine Hall. The Divine Master and the deities haven't done anything yet. What can you do?" Jun Jiuqing's voice was very cold.

Nan Jinshu was taken aback and hurriedly said, "It's not that I want to do anything, but I just feel curious. Previously, First Deity sent two deities to God-Killing Tumulus to find the third music score, but they don't seem to have come back yet…"

"You're talking about the Ninth Deity and the Tenth Deity?" interrupted Jun Jiuqing as he curled his lips up in a seemingly smiling manner. "Those two people have long come back. Didn't you know?"

"What!?" Nan Jinshu's entire person was dazed for a moment.

He really did not know. Ever since he dealt hands with Chu Liuyue and Mu Hongyu and returned to the Fantasy Divine Hall disheveled, he hadn't left his house. That was because the incident that day was too humiliating.