You Really Know!

Yu Qian kneeled for a total of three days and nights in front of the First Deity's door.

This kneel almost shocked the entire Fantasy Divine Hall.

Privately, quite a few people were talking about this.

First Deity seemed to want to come out in a high profile manner, but after the matter passed, the First Deity still stayed in his residence and did not come out. This caused many people to be confused, but nobody dared to go forward and ask.

What a joke. Second Deity had already been punished to that state. If other people rushed over now, would it not be causing trouble for themselves?

Hence, in comparison, the Fantasy Divine Hall's atmosphere became peculiar. Fewer people came out to walk.

Chu Liuyue also stayed in her residence alone for some time. Of course, it wasn't because she was afraid of that First Deity—she was purely busy.