Marry In

Xiao Ba stretched lazily and revealed her thin waist.

The few colorful pearls on her clothes rang as they swayed lightly and were extremely eye-catching.

"How can I remember…" She dragged her last syllable in an innocent and alluring manner.

In her eyes, those people looked the same, and she could not differentiate them.

Yan Qing pressed his thin lips against each other and loosened his grip.

Seeing that he did not speak, Xiao Ba shrugged her shoulders and softly said, "Sigh, since Lord Yan Qing doesn't want to go, then—"

"Let's go," said Yan Qing.

His expression looked calm, and nobody could not tell what he was feeling. As long as I don't meet those people, it should be fine.

Xiao Ba revealed a bright smile. "Okay!"

She took small steps toward Yan Qing.

A fragrance wafted over.

"Then, shall we go?"

However, Yan Qing did not move as his gaze landed on her face.