His Kiss

Chu Liuyue's mind buzzed and went blank for a moment. But right on the heels of that, she realized that the situation seemed a little different from what she had expected.

With this extremely fast collision, the original water droplet suddenly split into two!

Three water droplets that flickered with gorgeous light floated quietly and faced each other!

The third music score hadn't been integrated with the previous two… The original one had even been disassembled!

Chu Liuyue was stunned.

Suddenly, an energy fluctuation came from in front of her.

She looked up and saw Rong Xiu raising his hand and placing the last piece.

The thick and dark chess piece was like a sharp blade that slashed down! It completely cut off all the paths of survival for the red-gold chess pieces!

This round was finally over!

Without a doubt, Chu Liuyue's side was completely defeated.