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Chu Liuyue looked back.

The person who spoke was Rong Xiu.

His handsome face was cold and calm. This question was also ordinary, as if he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Before Chu Liuyue could reply, Fan Yunxiao couldn't help but say, "Emperor, Shangguan Yue has already failed. How can she continue—Ah!"

A sudden force came from behind him.

He was caught off-guard and immediately flew forward. He staggered a few steps before he could stabilize himself.

He turned around in shock and anger. "Second Boss, what are you doing?!"

Such a sudden sneak attack is too improper!

Yan Ge retracted his hand, crossed his arms, and said lazily, "If the Emperor says she can continue, then she can continue. Who are you to question him? Who are you to speak to the Emperor like this?"

"You—" Anger rose in Fan Yunxiao's chest from being humiliated in public, but he couldn't refute Yan Ge's words.